Welcome aboard! The privacy of your website visitors is important to us, and we know it's important to you too. Before you start leveraging the full potential of our services, a crucial first step is ensuring your privacy policy accurately reflects how you will collect, process, use, and share website user data. By updating your privacy policy to reflect your use of our services, you'll also be demonstrating your commitment to transparency, which is key to building and maintaining trust with your website visitors.
Updating Your Cookie Banner
In addition to updating your privacy policy, it's essential to ensure your cookie banner aligns with your new data practices to maintain transparency and comply with data protection regulations. For guidance on updating your cookie banner, please visit our Updating Your Cookie Banner page.
Suggested Language
Here is suggested language to help you update your privacy policy to describe your new data processing activities, including the use of cookies, tracking technologies, and data sharing with third-party vendors:
Notwithstanding anything else in this privacy policy, we and our marketing partners may use IP address, browser information, and your device information obtained by us when you visit our site, utilize our services, or open messages sent by us, in conjunction with third party web cookies, pixels, or similar technologies, enabling us to obtain personal data about you (such as your name, contact details, location, and employer) held by third parties. To learn more click here [INSERT link to the section within your privacy policy that explains the collection of data]. To opt out of the specific data collection and sharing practices described in this provision, please [INSERT method that user may use to opt out - e.g., form on your site that collects the email addresses of site visitors who do not wish to have their information collected and used]. 
This suggested addition to your privacy policy aims to provide clear information to your website visitors, indicating that they may receive communications from you or your service providers based on the information gathered through these technologies. Clear communication of these practices not only maintains transparency but also strengthens trust with your website visitors. 
This suggested addition to your privacy policy aims to provide clear information to your website visitors, indicating that they may recWe emphasize the importance of using the data collected through cookies and similar technologies responsibly and in full compliance with all applicable privacy and data laws and best practices. It is important to understand that we, as your service provider, do not engage in direct communication with individuals based on this data collection.eive communications from you or your service providers based on the information gathered through these technologies. Clear communication of these practices not only maintains transparency but also strengthens trust with your website visitors. 
Partnering With Your Legal Team
The language provided above is meant to assist you in updating your privacy policy. However, Sona strongly recommends that you consult with your own legal counsel to modify your privacy policy to ensure it is comprehensive, accurate, and complies with all applicable laws.
This information and Sona’s guidance are not a substitute for legal advice. You are responsible for making sure your conduct and policies, including your privacy policy, protect your website visitors' rights and comply with all relevant laws.
Prioritize Privacy
Updating your privacy policy to reflect new data processing activities is not just a regulatory requirement but also a best practice that enhances transparency and trust with your website visitors. By collaborating with legal experts, incorporating clear descriptions of data practices, synchronizing with compliance tools, and providing opt-out options, you can ensure your privacy policy remains compliant and user-friendly.
Regularly review and update your privacy policy to keep it relevant, trustworthy, and reflective of your ongoing commitment to data protection and user privacy.