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Turbocharge Google Ads ROI: Get More Leads from Your Traffic


If Google Ads is an important part of your marketing strategy, you could be missing out on conversions. This comprehensive guide will show you how to harness the power of Sona Identification to revolutionize your Google Ads strategy. By the end, you'll be better equipped with the knowledge and tools to uncover high-intent visitors who don't fill out forms, potentially increasing your conversions by 30% or more.

What You'll Learn

  • How to implement web visitor de-anonymization on Google Ads landing pages
  • Techniques to analyze web visitor data for valuable insights
  • Methods to create and leverage audience segments for targeted campaigns
  • Steps to sync data with email and CRM platforms for seamless integration
  • Strategies for nurturing leads with personalized email sequences

Understanding Sona Identification

What is Sona Identification?

Sona Identification is a powerful feature that de-anonymizes website visitors, revealing their email addresses and company information. This allows you to:

  • Uncover net-new contacts that you can nurture into opportunities
  • Score a web visitor's ICP Fit and intent
  • Convert identified contacts into net-new opportunities with personalized outreach
  • Potentially increase conversions by 30% or more compared to standard Google Ads results

By identifying high-intent visitors who don't convert through forms, Sona Identification can significantly boost the ROI of your Google Ads campaigns.

Implementing Sona Identification for Google Ads

Sona helps marketing teams collect, analyze, and act upon visitor data from Google Ads campaigns. Here's a step-by-step guide to leveraging Sona for your Google Ads optimization:

Step 1: Install the Sona Identification Tracking Script

  1. Sign up for a Sona account
  2. Add the Sona tracking script between the <head> and </head> of your website
  3. Install the tracking script on each landing page where Google Ads visitors land

Step 2: Filter Your Web Visitor Data

  1. Navigate to the Web Visitors table in Sona
  2. Add a filter to the Suggested Email column and select "Is Not Empty"
  3. Filter for Google Ads traffic by adding a filter for First Touch UTM Source
  4. Filter out existing leads by adding a filter to the CRM column and selecting "Is Empty"
Filter your web visitor data

Step 3: Create an Audience

  1. Refine your filters to define specific groups of identified visitors
  2. Click "Create Audience" under Actions to save the current filtered view
  3. Name and describe your audience for easy reference

Step 4: Nurture Leads with Email Sequences

  1. Use the Destinations feature to sync lead data with email sequencers or your CRM
  2. Leverage tools such as Clay for lead enrichment and automated email copywriting
  3. Set up email campaigns to nurture de-anonymized visitors into qualified leads

Best Practices for Maximizing Google Ads ROI with Sona

  1. Segmentation: Create audience segments based on targeting criteria (e.g., intent level, product interest, etc.)
  2. Cross-Channel Integration: Synchronize Sona audience data with ad platforms, email platforms, CRM platforms, and other marketing channels
  3. Personalization at Scale: Leverage the additional data from Sona to create highly targeted and personalized campaigns
  4. Continuous Optimization: Regularly analyze your visitor data to refine your targeting and messaging
  5. Attribution Insights: Use Sona's attribution data to better understand your customer journey and optimize touchpoints

Overcoming Common Challenges

  • Data Privacy: Ensure compliance with data protection regulations when collecting and using visitor data
  • Integration Complexity: Work closely with your IT team to ensure smooth integration between Sona and your existing tech stack
  • Data Overload: Start with a few key metrics and gradually expand your use of Sona data
  • Team Adoption: Provide training and showcase early wins to encourage widespread use of Sona Identification
  • Maintaining Authenticity: Despite the data-driven approach, ensure your outreach still feels personal and genuine


Leveraging Sona Identification can transform your Google Ads strategy from a broad, form-dependent effort into a precise, data-driven approach. By uncovering and engaging with previously anonymous high-intent visitors, you can significantly increase your conversion rates and maximize your Google Ads ROI.

Remember, the key to success lies in continuous learning and optimization. Keep refining your approach based on the results you see, and don't be afraid to experiment with different audience segments and outreach strategies.

Start with implementing the Sona tracking script, learn from your visitor data, and gradually expand your use of Sona Identification to drive ever-improving results in your Google Ads campaigns.


  • Sona Identification: A feature that de-anonymizes website visitors, revealing their email addresses and company information
  • Web Visitor De-anonymization: The process of identifying previously anonymous website visitors
  • UTM Source: A parameter used in URLs to track the source of website traffic
  • ICP Fit: How closely a prospect matches your Ideal Customer Profile
  • Lead Enrichment: The process of adding additional data to lead profiles to improve targeting and personalization
  • Attribution Data: Information about the touchpoints and channels that contribute to a conversion