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Precision Prospecting: Leveraging Intent Signals in Your Sales Outreach


In today's competitive sales landscape, timing and personalization can make a big difference in winning the deal. This comprehensive guide will show you how to harness the power of intent signals to revolutionize your sales outreach efforts. By the end, you'll be better equipped with the knowledge and tools to both identify high-value prospects and to engage them at the right moment. 

What You'll Learn

  • How to identify and leverage intent signals to boost your sales conversion rates
  • Techniques for prioritizing your outreach efforts using intent data
  • Step-by-step process for implementing intent-based strategies using the Sona Platform
  • Best practices for personalizing your communication based on prospect behavior
  • Methods to seamlessly integrate intent data into your existing sales workflow

Understanding Intent Signals

What are Intent Signals?

Intent signals are behavioral indicators that suggest a prospect's level of interest or readiness to buy. These signals can come from various sources:

  1. Website Activity: Pages visited, time spent on site, downloads, etc.
  2. Content Engagement: Interactions with emails, blog posts, webinars, etc.
  3. Search Behavior: Keywords used, frequency of searches related to your product/service
  4. Social Media Activity: Follows, shares, comments on relevant topics

By tracking and analyzing these signals, you can:

  1. Determine the optimal timing for outreach
  2. Customize messaging to align with prospect interests
  3. Boost engagement by reaching out during peak interest periods
  4. Improve conversions for inbound traffic

Implementing Intent-Based Outreach with Sona

Sona helps go-to-market teams collect, analyze, and act upon on intent signals. Here's a step-by-step guide to leveraging Sona for your intent-based outreach:

Step 1: Create Intent Signals

  • Navigate to "General" > "Workspace Settings" > "Intent Signals"
  • Choose a pre-built signal or click "Create new page view signal"
  • Configure your signal based on URL path, session duration, event type, or referrer
  • Combine multiple attributes for more specific signals
  • Name and describe your signal, then save

Step 2: Align Intent Signals with Sales Outreach

  • Use filters in Web Visitors and/or Accounts to group actions indicating strong intent
  • Example: Create a "Convert Outbound Prospects" signal for visitors engaging with specific use cases

Step 3: Create an Audience

  • Generate dynamic audience segments based on intent signals
  • Use Web Visitors, Accounts, or People pages to create these segments
  • Set criteria for automatic updates to keep your audience current

Step 4: Set Up Destinations or Alerts

  • Configure messaging alerts through Workspace Settings [See guide]
  • Use Destinations to sync data with other platforms (e.g., email sequencers, ad platforms)
  • Set up Connectors for each integrated platform
  • Create and configure Destinations to sync your intent-based audiences

Best Practices for Intent-Based Outreach

  1. Timeliness is Key: Act quickly on strong intent signals, personalizing your messaging at scale based on specific prospect interests
  2. Progressive Profiling: Build a comprehensive prospect profile over time by combining multiple intent signals
  3. Align Content with Intent: Create and share content that directly addresses the pain points or interests indicated by intent signals
  4. Multi-Channel Approach: Implement a strategy using intent data to inform your outreach across email, social media, phone, etc.
  5. Continuous Optimization: Regularly analyze the performance of your intent-based outreach and refine your approach while ensuring compliance with privacy regulations

Overcoming Common Challenges

  1. Data Overload: Start small with a few key intent signals and gradually expand
  2. False Positives: Combine multiple signals to increase accuracy in identifying genuine interest
  3. Team Adoption: Provide training and showcase early wins to encourage widespread use of intent data
  4. Integration Issues: Work closely with your IT team to ensure smooth integration between Sona and your existing tech stack
  5. Maintaining Authenticity: Despite the data-driven approach, ensure your outreach still feels personal and genuine


Leveraging intent signals through Sona's platform can transform your sales outreach from a broad, hit-or-miss effort into a precise, data-driven strategy. By understanding and acting on prospect behavior, you can communicate more effectively, address pain points more accurately, and ultimately convert more leads into opportunities.

Remember, the key to success lies in continuous learning and optimization. Keep refining your approach based on the results you see, and don't be afraid to experiment with different signals and strategies.

Start small, learn from your data, and gradually expand your use of intent signals to drive ever-improving results in your sales efforts.


  • Intent Signals: Indicators of a prospect's interest or buying readiness based on their behavior
  • Firmographic Data: Descriptive attributes of firms (e.g., industry, company size, location)
  • Technographic Data: Information about the technologies used by an organization
  • First-Party Intent Data: Intent data collected directly from your own digital properties

Third-Party Intent Data: Intent data collected from external sources or platforms